Via the Athletic

Holder recalls December 2015, when a “high-ranking team source” told him that Luck had dealt with torn rib cartilage earlier that season and needed pain-killing injections before games.

This was in addition to shoulder and kidney injuries Luck dealt with the same season.

Holder approached Luck one-on-one with the information and Luck “became visibly uncomfortable,” he wrote. “It was as if he’d rather be anywhere else in the world at that moment.”

Luck will talk about just about anything, Holder noted, but bring up injuries and he gets “weird”

Reich and Ballard “have been placed in the awkward position of trying to walk a fine line between honestly answering questions on the subject but also trying to satisfy Luck’s desire to share as little as possible about his injuries,” Holder writes.

Holder said it’s not just the public at large that Luck keeps in the dark; even his teammates and close friends, like former Indianapolis backup Matt Hasselbeck, don’t know the full extent of his injury.

“In one particular instance,” Holder writes. “When Luck was questionable for a game, he wouldn’t test the shoulder until teammates had left the team facility and only those on a need-to-know basis were present to watch him throw in the indoor practice facility.”

So it sounds like Luck is a very private person, and even more so when it comes to his health. 

When Luck plays the Colts usually win, but it can’t be a good feeling never knowing what the hell is going on with your quarterback. 

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