Imagine thinking Beyonce bigger than Michael Jordan
— Jason Maples (@JJMaples55_MST) April 20, 2020
Like these niggas really tryna compare Beyoncé to Michael Jordan. She’s the standard, we get it, but is it every time?
— Champagne Pammy ? (@imthatgirlpam) April 21, 2020
Niggas comparing Beyoncé to Michael Jordan. At this point it’s her vs the world, and y’all still try to act like she ain’t the standard. Bey haters don’t even know why they don’t like her. Can’t even tell you why she’s “overrated.”
— King Miller ?️? (@amayamillerr) April 22, 2020
michael jordan is within the usa borders lmao
beyoncé is global ?— billie jean (@qxeenmiracle) April 21, 2020
I did a quick Google search for “most famous people” and MJ is nowhere to be found. Look who is there…
— LurkinnMaster (@LurkinnMaster) April 20, 2020
my nigga children are MURDERED for jordan’s shoes. game over. mike wins.?
— k (@inocean6) April 21, 2020
Beyoncé ain’t even surpassed Taylor Swift so the ? hive needs to settle down
— GeminiHoops (@GeminiHoopz) April 20, 2020
M Jordan's networth is $2.1B while that of Beyonce is $400M
— Edmund (@edmundpeddy) April 21, 2020
People that don't know basketball know MJ and his accolades around the world.
I've met people in the US that can't even name a Beyonce song in real life.
— MrWholesomeKB (@KbWholesome) April 20, 2020
I’m going to go with MJ in this debate, but I’m a little bias.
Of courses there can be room for TWO GOATS: One sports, one music.
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