Alex Guerrero, who revealed in Amos Barshad’s book “No One Man Should Have All That Power: How Rasputins Manipulate the World” he believes Brady’s body will be able to withstand the rigors of NFL football until age 50

“I know how Tom feels every day,” Guerrero told Barshad, per Deadspin.

“He says, ‘I don’t have any soreness. I’m ready to play again.’ Those are things that we thought would happen, and now we’re seeing the reality of them happening. Do I think Tom can play to a high level at forty-five? Absolutely.”

Barshad then asked Guerrero: “OK. How about fifty?”

“I mean, why not?” Guerrero responded with a chuckle.

“I’ve never put limits on myself, and I’ve never put limits on any of my clients. I’m a big believer that everything is learned behavior. You tell an athlete, ‘You’re gonna be done when you’re thirty,’ well, the brain begins to believe that, and all your neuro-programming is based on, ‘OK, I’m thirty, I’m old.’ But I don’t think the brain understands the concept of time. It doesn’t understand age. Right? How would your brain know you’re whatever age you are? I always tell Tom, we’re not gonna tell our body what we wanna do. We’re gonna tell our body what we want it to do.”

Brady will turn 42 in August.

There’s no chance Tom will play past 45. 

He’s one hit away from calling it a career. 

Plus it doesn’t matter how pliable you are, at a certain point your skills diminish. 

Father Time > Tom 

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