Aaron Rodgers would like to play for a lot longer, as least as long as Tom Brady has been playing. Apparently Tom Brady has been trying to help Aaron Rodgers with extending his career, and at the same time, pushing his method onto the Green Bay Packers superstar. 


“Rodgers has taken stuff from it, and applied it in conjunction with the advice he gets regularly from Packers director of performance nutrition Adam Korzun . . . Rodgers did his own research too, and as a result, it’s not just his knee that’s gotten anew life. He has more energy. He’s sleeping better. He feels stronger”

Rodgers told Breer, “I do my own reading, and Adam’s been a fantastic resource, and obviously Tom and I are close. We’ve talked about the stuff he does. I don’t swear off nightshades like he does. But I had a lot of room to grow in that area. I love sweets and food in general, so being smart about what I was eating tied to my performance.” 

I’m not knocking the TB12 method, it probably has some benefits. That being said, Tom Brady can talk all he wants about health, but his body on the beach speaks for itself. No one cares how healthy you say you are unless you have muscles to prove it.