Via Player’s Tribune: 

“For me, playing football isn’t going to last another 10 years,” Brady wrote. “In the time left, the question is, How can I keep maximizing what I do, put everything I can into it, make it the best I possibly can? At this point in my career, the only person I have to prove anything to is myself. Physically, I’m as capable of doing my job as I’ve ever been. Now I want to see what more I can do. I want to see how great I can be. I want to hear other people say, ‘Go, man. Now that’s what we’ve been missing. That’s what we need! That’s what we’ve been looking for!’ Deep down I know what I can do. I know what I can bring. Now I want to see it in action.”

While Brady said playing in the same place for 20 years can be an advantage, he now expects to benefit from the element of change.

“Playing for one team for 20 years has been an amazing ride and experience. But doing the same thing year after year brings its own challenges. A familiar rhythm can be comforting and great. But it can also make you lose sight of other rhythms, newer ones that remind you of everything that hasn’t been done yet,” Brady explained. “One isn’t necessarily better than another — they’re different, is all. Playing for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers is a change, a challenge, an opportunity to lead and collaborate, and also to be seen and heard.”

Brady added: “Right now, though, I have things to prove to myself. The only way is through. If I don’t go for it, I’ll never know what I could have accomplished. Wanting to do something is different from actually doing it. If I stood at the bottom of a mountain, and told myself I could scale the highest peak, but then didn’t do anything about it, what’s the point of that?”

Tom has earned the right to do anything he wants. 

If his new challenge is to climb the mountain in Tampa, god bless him.  

It’ll obviously be an uphill battle.  

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