“I was coming in and a prank war started where he knocked my trey out of my hand, he put his foot up against the door, I poured some protein shake in his shoes, maybe some flexi-hot into his underwear,” Cassel said. “He dumped a trash can on my car and then decided to pee on my practice jersey, and then he asked me to forgive him and call him Captain Longshanks.

“So I was like, ‘No I’m not doing that, I’m going to do something even worse to you,’ and by the time we came in for practice, I had three tires in front of my locker, the other one was hidden, you know the old ‘put in on the blocks,'” he said. “The old adage goes back to don’t mess with people that have more money than you do.”

However, Brady took it to a whole different level when he took one of Cassel’s tires and wouldn’t return it. Brady clearly had no surrender, and it reached the point that head coach Bill Belichick eventually had to intervene.

“The lineman decided to fill his car up with (foam) peanuts, put confetti in his air conditioning unit, and at that point, Bill had to step in and say, ‘Look, guys, this isn’t World War 4, okay. We can’t have you guys going around hurting somebody or killing somebody.'” Cassel said. “At the end of the day I did have to go home with my buddy for at least four days before he would give me back my other tire.”
