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TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh ___ Chile, #FloydMayweather is busting open an old can of words with a hot take on his altercation with T.I. on a recent episode of @drinkchamps. ___ NORE asked Floyd about the 2014 scuffle in Las Vegas that was allegedly about T.I.’s wife Tiny. ___ “My thing is this, I just tell men like this–’If you feel like your woman is a trophy, she should be at home on the shelf. Period,” Floyd explained to a befuddled NORE. ___ Floyd implied that T.I. allegedly made threats by saying he’d “pull up” on Floyd. In the interview, Floyd alleged T.I. was a hypocrite and often times in the interview referred to him as-click the link in our bio to read more. (?: @drinkchamps)

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