The Overwatch League is back, and we are going to experience some changes on April 16 this year. Although BlizzCon is over, Blizzard is not yet done with its cool plans. They announced that Overwatch League would be back, and fans and players alike are in for a big surprise. Apart from an official statement, on their website, it’s said that there will be some changes coming this season. For one, there will be different broadcast times and an updated scoring system. 

The fourth season will focus on four standalone tournaments. These tournaments are:

  • May Melee
  • June Joust
  • Summer Showdown
  • Countdown Cup

Teams will be competing in four matches per tournament to be able to complete the cycle. Depending on how they perform, they may make it to the final round.

This year, teams will be divided into groups. These groups are based on their respective locations. The basic team groupings are East and West.

Here are the teams in the East: 

  • South Korea
  • China

For the West Teams, we have: 

  • North America
  • Europe

What happens next is that teams will be fighting in knockout matches. They will only advance if they win their match. In the end, there will only be two teams, and these teams will be flying to Hawaii for the grand finals or championship. This championship is a double-elimination bracket, and the winner will take $100,000 in prizes.

COD Player ZooMaa Retires Due to Injury

A piece of sad news in the industry – a professional player of Call of Duty named ZooMaa is forced to retire due to a wrist injury. ZooMaa has been a prolific player since 2013. However, he has announced his retirement recently and explained that his gaming is damaging his wrist. ZooMaa has long struggled with the weakness in his thumb. This pain was accompanied by a pain in his wrist. It was so bad that it needed surgery. This has caused him to deal with anxiety and stress even while he was recovering.

Although he made progress, the injury came back with a vengeance. As such, it became really tough for him to compete at a professional level. It came to a point when the pain was too much for him to bear and that playing was already impossible. It was at this point when he decided to give himself a chance not to further damage his hand.

Mortal Kombat Player Disqualified

A player named Titaniumtigerzz was dropped as a finalist from Mortal Kombat after criticizing NetherRealm. This drop is for the Mortal Kombat 11 competition. 

The player made a joke about a character, stating that this character was extremely easy. The character he made fun of was Sheeva, who has an un-blockable move after leaping into the air and falls back on her enemy’s head. If this move is made, the enemy will get crushed, and the player controlling that enemy will never be able to do anything for defence.

Because of this comment, the character became a hot topic in the community of players. The player who got banned, Titan, found it an opportunity to make a comment, getting the ire of NetherRealm officials. When Titan was disqualified, no one said a word about it, even during the competition. The match-up just continued.

Overwatch 2 Is Coming

Blizzard has announced in BlizzCon that Overwatch 2 is coming soon. It was first announced in 2019, and nothing has been heard of it ever since. Fans are in for a big surprise as there is now confirmation that the team is focused on bringing the game as soon as possible. 

Jeff Kaplan, the Game Director of BlizzCon, said that we would learn more about the development in BlizzCon online. It is a digital event that will replace BlizzCon. 

Instead of a live show where fans can gather, the event will be held online as a response to the pandemic. The announcement comes with the good news that Blizzard is putting its efforts into making Overwatch 2 happen in the near future, along with bringing a new map based in Japan.

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