There is much that could be positively said about the NFL’s player safety initiatives.  Fans far and wide are all for minimizing injuries — especially those to the head and neck area, hopefully curtailing concussions or worse.

The problem is that football is a physical game, and it’s also played extremely fast, so it’s tough to just remove the physicality from the game.  Unfortunately, injury is a part of the sport and often requires professional, medical assistance and a unique blend of corrective exercises, as noted by With the increased “overofficiating” taking place around the league, in the hopes of minimizing injury, the NFL is dealing with PR issues as many players are having issues adjusting, and understandably so.

One instance involved Jets safety Jamal Adams, who was chasing down Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield during Monday’s game. Mayfield had taken off running, and was outside the pocket, so Adams drilled him. The problem was that it was a half-second too late, as Mayfield had just released the ball, so Adams was hit with a personal foul.

The call was questionable, and even worse was the $21,000 fine handed down by the league. Adams took to Twitter to blast the league for it in a heated rant you can check out below.

Adams probably could’ve been a bit more tactful in his approach, but he does raise a good point.