The Male slapping championships have proven to be super popular, filling people’s timelines for the past year or so. 

We’ve been on top of the slapping craze. 

Now we have a new sport. 

This is the Russian ‘Ass-slapping Championships’, the female version of the ‘Male Slapping Championships’, in which women hit each other on the backside until one one falls over. 

Watch below: 

The rules are simple: the competitors take it in turns to slap the other on the backside. 

The winner is the first to administer a slap hard enough to the other’s behind to knock them off balance, causing them to fall over or step forward.

One of the tournament’s winners was fitness blogger Anastasia Zolotaya, who shows off her workout she uses to prepare for the matches. 


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Who knows maybe one day this can be an Olympic sport?

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