“Look, guys were doing things that I didn’t see,” Jordan said. “I had one event, preseason, I think we were in Peoria. It was in the hotel, so I’m trying to find my teammates. So I start knocking on doors. I get to this one door and I knock on the door and I can hear someone says, ‘Shh… someone’s outside.’ And then you hear this deep voice says, ‘Who is it?’ I says, ‘MJ.’ And then they all say, ‘Ah f**k, he’s just a rookie, don’t worry about it.'”

“So they open up the door, I walk in and practically the whole team was in there. And it was like things I’ve never seen in my life, you know, as a young kid,” he continued. “You got your lines over here, you got your weed smokers over here, you got your women over here. So the first thing I said, ‘Look man, I’m out.’ You know, because all I can think about is if they come and raid this place, right about now, I am just as guilty as everybody else that’s in this room. And from that point on, you know, I was more or less on my own.”

That story cut away to a montage of Jordan doing chores – dishes, laundry, tidying – in his home as he and others recalled that he didn’t participate much in the club scene or even drink alcohol at the time.

And here are the players who were involved:

Sports in the 80’s sounds like a good time. 

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