Get your popcorn ready! Pro Football Hall of Famer Terrell Owens’ posted a harmless picture with Caitlyn Jenner, and all his followers were sounding off in the comment section. 

Check out the post below: 

T.O. took things one step further. 

Owens took the time to let her know that he’s not going to stand for the judgment.

“What He does with His life is HIS business. I’m not condoning anything but y’all aren’t gonna sit behind ur technology driven devices to pass judgment and condemn me!!! WHO ARE YOU? Since u want to Bible thump on here, Well here’s one for ya from the BOOK OF MATTHEW, CHAPTER 7 verses 1-2… And it reads…1 ‘Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. U can read the other few verses following but those 1st 2 should shut u up for the time being. ? God Bless Ya Sister ??.”

Terrell definitely botched a few pronouns on his retort. 

She is definitely not a ‘He’ any longer. 

You can’t post anything these days without a significant portion of people getting offended, and happily voicing their opinion.  

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