Swedish midfielder Mattias Ozgun was accidentally injured after being poked in the eye by a teammate who he was set to replace on the field.
The unusual incident took place in the Swedish league.
As he approached his teammate who was standing on the sideline, the two attempted a simple high five, which failed miserably as Lindahl unintentionally poked his finger into Ozgun’s eye.
Världens genom tiderna kortaste inhopp?!?! Det är till och med kortare än Gustav Edbergs inhopp mot Lyrestad 2005, när han joggade in till tonerna av domarens halvtids-vissla för att sedan börja andra halvlek… På bänken.??? pic.twitter.com/z3o8UMdBU1
— Joakim Ousbäck (@Ousback) April 16, 2019
Swedish player Mattias Ozgun got poked in the eye by his team-mate while coming on and immediately had to go off injured ?? pic.twitter.com/l0xDZ8kQA9
— Metro Sport (@Metro_Sport) April 17, 2019
Ozgun was able to play the remaining minutes off the game, but did require medical attention.
Keep the high fives to a minimum if you can’t execute them properly.
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