Kevin Durant and the Warriors blew a 31-point lead to the Clippers in Game 2 of the first round of the playoffs on Monday, a game in which Durant had 21 points on just eight shots.

They bounced back in game 3. 

And blew out the Clippers. 

Snoop was ready to pounce on the Clippers, and quickly posted his thoughts on the Clippers, and their chances of advancing past the first round.  

Watch his NSFW rant below: 


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@clipperdarrell ?????‍♂️⏰⏰?

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Snoop never holds back. 

Have to admit though, it’s hard to know which are his teams. 

I feel like he’s got a lot of squads he conveniently rolls with.  

Last time I checked Snoop was from Long Beach, not Oakland. 

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