New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady unveiled his new Twitter account on April 1st, simultaneously announcing his retirement. 

Looks like it was a bad joke.

During Tuesday’s edition of “Undisputed” on FOX Sports 1, Sharpe went in on Brady’s April Fools day prank. 

“Hate it with extreme passion,” Sharpe said. “Tom, you’re not funny. You’ve been so adamant about how you’re gonna play ’til you’re 100. The whole key about an April Fools’ joke, I thought, was to have it be somewhat believable. Nobody believed you when you’ve said ‘I’m doubling down. I’ve already talked to my wife and everybody knows that I’m gonna play ’til I’m 45. It’s gonna be tough but I’m gonna do it.’ And you come out with this lame?

“Does Tom need that much attention? Here’s a guy that’s got six rings, four-time Super Bowl MVP. What’s he missing? What is the void of his life? The guy’s got a beautiful wife, got kids, got money, got cars — he’s got everything and he’s playing these corny, lame jokes? That’s not in him. Peyton Manning can get you because Peyton Manning has personality. You see how he does those commercials, Skip (Bayless)? You saw him on ‘SNL.’ He has it. Everybody can’t do that. Everybody doesn’t have that personality, and that’s OK.

“The one thing you can’t do is force humor. Either you have it or you don’t. It’s as simple as that, Skip, and he don’t have it. He has other attributes — great, historically transcendent quarterback. Being funny ain’t it. Playing jokings ain’t it. He ought to be ashamed of himself. When I saw this yesterday I was like ‘Oh, please.’”

It’s going to alright Shannon, don’t pop a blood vessel over it. 

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