Seattle Seahawks head coach and former USC boss Pete Carroll is upset with the recent conference movement in college sports.

“I’m really disappointed,” Carroll told reporters Sunday, according to Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk. “I would think that there’s a lot of people, a lot of fans that are disappointed, too.”

The Pac-12 exodus continued this week with Washington and Oregon agreeing to join the Big Ten and Arizona, Arizona State, and Utah heading for the Big 12.

USC, UCLA, and Colorado have already agreed to leave the conference. The Trojans and Bruins are joining the Big Ten in 2024, while the Buffaloes are moving to the Big 12.

Cal, Stanford, Oregon State, and Washington State are the only schools that remain in the Pac-12 after the host of departures.

“I know that it’s a financial turn that they do and they’ve got to make their decisions and all, but there’s something about the tradition of it that gets lost and I don’t know where they recapture that, I don’t know how they recapture the traditions that have been there so long,” Carroll said.

He added: “It’s not just our conference out here, it’s around the country too. I really don’t understand. I’m pretty disappointed in college football right now. Just in general. Just disappointed it’s gone the way it’s gone.”

Carroll was the head coach of the Trojans for nine seasons from 2001-2009, leading USC to seven Pac-12 championships. The school has been in the Pac-12 since 1922.

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