Via Caring Bridge:

Thank you everyone for the love, support and prayers. We created this site to update you on the status of our Son Kyane.

For those of you that don’t know, Kyane was in a single car rollover accident on 101 South in Goleta CA, near Santa Barbra. He was ejected from the vehicle and suffered a major brain injury. He was transported to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in a deep coma. The doctor said he will be in a coma for multiple weeks. He’s going to need to fight…. We believe in him.

Our broken hearts are full with all the love and support that you- Kyane’s family, friends, and community- have provided by reaching out with concern and prayer. We wanted to provide a means of updating everyone who anxiously awaits to see how he is doing and we will be updating this site with each new information that we receive so that you all can see how he is doing immediately until we are able to reach out personally, thank you in advance and patience as we navigate this new territory. Thank you all for your support and with everyone’s prayers he will be back with us all very soon.
