In response to the coronavirus pandemic, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell last month voluntarily requested to the league’s compensation committee that his salary be reduced to zero, which was accepted and went into effect weeks ago, according to an email sent by Pittsburgh Steelers owner Art Rooney II.

In a memo written by Goodell and attached in Rooney’s email, which was sent to all team owners Wednesday afternoon, the league also announced that it will implement executive pay cuts and will furlough a limited part of its workforce.

RELATED: Roger Goodell Gives Super Bowl Tickets to Ravens Fan Doctor Fighting COVID-19

The league will implement tiered reductions in pay for its top executives and managers, taking effect in May. The reductions will begin at 5% for manager-level staffers and will rise to 7% for directors, 10% for vice presidents, 12% for senior vice presidents and 15% for executive vice presidents. No employee earning a base salary of less than $100,000 will be affected by the reduction, and no employee’s salary will drop below $100,000 as a result of it, according to the memo.

Flip the Page to Read the memo:
