According to The Athletic’s Sam Amick, the Houston Rockets believe officials have been favoring the Warriors for years, and the team has actually been “making a date-driven case” to support their claims.

Via Atheltic:

“The Rockets have been making a data-driven case with the NBA for quite some time that these Super Team Warriors are getting a major officiating advantage in these heavy-hitter matchups.”

“The Rockets, according to the sources, had a double-digit point deficit in six of the seven games (and a small edge in Game 2),” Amick wrote. “In all, sources say, they were harmed to the tune of 93 points. Game Seven was the worst, the research showed, with the league-issued report indicating that they should have had 18 more points. More specifically, two of the 27 consecutive missed three-pointers that did them in were ruled to have been missed foul calls.”

If you can use analytics to scout players, and help create the best possible team, you can surely take those analytics and use them to show favoritism for a specific team. 

That being said, as long as humans are the ones calling fouls, they’re going to be susceptible to favoritism, and most certainly blown calls. 

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