Incognito, who’s currently a free agent, listed several teams that might be interested in him for 2018.

“I’m mulling all options right now, I’m not sure,” Incognito told TMZ on July 31. “I’m just enjoying the offseason right now. I’m a free agent and that’s it. I’ve had calls from Minnesota, Seattle. I really just don’t want to go to training camp, so we’ll see.” 

To find out if the Vikings were actually interested in Incognito, someone asked Zimmer about the situation on Tuesday, and let’s just say, the Vikings coach shot down Incognito’s story.

“No interest, and totally false. Tweet that,” Zimmer said.

After Incognito saw what Zimmer said, he exploded on Twitter. First, he called the Vikings coach a “F—ING LIAR.” 

Now it looks like Richie has deleted his tweet, and done a 180, apologizing to Zimmer.

Richie is always a bit of a wild card. Not sure how he was appointed to an Anti Bullying organization. Still waiting to hear April Fools on that one.