Via BroBible:

Everyone knows James Harden has a particular affinity for the Canadian ballet, aka strip clubs. After the Rocket’s dismal performance in Miami last week, and the city’s reputation for high quality tit-shacks, I became increasingly curious to see just how much James Harden’s vice affects his game. So here we are, I spent the better part of the work week on this, hope y’all enjoy!

Hypothesis: James Harden’s box score declines in cities with high quality strip clubs

Test: Analyze James Harden’s performance in every NBA city and correlate with those cities’ reputation for stip clubs to see if there is any discernible relationship.

Bottom line, late nights at the strip club aren’t good for Harden’s game.  The Rockets are going to have to start monitoring Harden’s road activities if they want MVP Harden at all times.

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