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Ссылка на прослушивание в шапке профиля☝??☝? Многомерность или тысячи меня❤️Иногда мы думаем,что никогда не перешагнем черту за которой туманная неизведанность! Нам просто не хватит внутреннего ресурса,силы или поддержки родных) Многие ,к слову, так и живут в своих ракушках, не до конца осознавая свои скрытые возможности и таланты! Когда-то мне казалось,что «петь»-это не про меня ??? А сегодня у меня праздник, рождение моей маленькой мечты,рождение совершенно новой МЕНЯ! ? Мечтайте и верьте в свои силы?? Благодарю всех причастных за поддержку и профессионализм? #DY #ТысячиМеня #премьера2020 #13мая #ThousandsOfMe #premiere2020 #13may. Multidimensionality or thousands of me.❤️ Sometimes we think that we never cross the line to the blurry unknown! We just believe we lack the internal capacity, power, or support of the relatives.) By the way, many continue to live inside of their shells, never fully recognizing their capabilities and talents hidden within. Once I thought that the whole idea of singing is not about me. ??? But still today I am having a party, a birthday of the dream, a birthday of an absolutely new ME! ? Dream and believe in your strengths ?? I would like to thank everyone involved for their support and professionalism. #DY #ТысячиМеня #премьера2020 #13мая #ThousandsofMe #premiere2020 #13may

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Sometimes we think that we never cross the line to the blurry unknown!” wrote the tennis starlet, who has three WTA titles to her name. 

“We just believe we lack the internal capacity, power, or support of the relatives.

“By the way, many continue to live inside of their shells, never fully recognizing their capabilities and talents hidden within.

“Once I thought that the whole idea of singing is not about me.

“But still today I am having a party, a birthday of the dream, a birthday of an absolutely new ME!

“Dream and believe in your strengths. I would like to thank everyone involved for their support and professionalism.”

Yastremska also confirmed that the proceeds from any sales of the song – which is available on the likes of Apple Music, Google Play and Spotify,  would go to charity.

Check out her latest workout video below: 


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My workout ✅ #DY#sport#tennis#wta#odessa#sportgirl#girlpower#motivation#staystrong @melnichenko_aleksandr_official

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