In an unprecedented meeting, a delegation of five NBA players and several officials from the National Basketball Players Association were at the Vatican on Monday morning for a private audience with Pope Francis to discuss their work on social justice issues.

An assistant to Pope Francis reached out to the players’ association last week indicating the Pope wanted to learn more about how players had recently brought attention to pressing social justice issues and economic inequality — and what they planned for the future, union officials told ESPN. The union agreed and quickly scheduled an overnight flight Sunday to make their private meeting with the pope, which happened at 11:45 a.m. local time Monday morning at the Vatican. With training camp set to open on Dec. 1, players and union officials had to squeeze the trip in now.

The delegation included Kyle Korver and Sterling Brown; Jonathan Isaac of the Orlando Magic; Anthony Tolliver, the union’s secretary-treasurer; Marco Belinelli; and Michele Roberts, executive director of the players’ union.

The meeting was expected to last an hour at the papal library of the Apostolic Palace, after which the players and union officials would tour St. Peter’s Square.

The players and the union, in cooperation with the NBA league office, used their stage at the NBA’s 2020 season restart in Orlando to place a spotlight on police brutality, racial injustice and other issues. Most players selected various messages related to social justice — including “Say Their Names,” “Equality” and “Enough” — to place above their numbers on the backs of their jerseys. The league and union agreed to paint “Black Lives Matter” along one sideline. Almost every player and coach kneeled during the playing of the national anthem before games.

Brown and Korver both played at that time for the Milwaukee Bucks, who decided to sit out a postseason game against the Orlando Magic in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black man, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The Bucks’ impromptu strike inspired a wave of such actions across several sports.

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