In playing sports, vision is the most important of the five senses, especially when trying to focus and coordinate during the game.

Why should a tennis player give importance to their eyesight and choose to use contact lenses for clearer vision? First, a clear vision immediately helps the player improve his/her game due to proper hand-eye coordination. Second, the player builds confidence in his/her skills as well as the self-esteem every time a game ensues.

This article sheds light on how contact lenses impact tennis players in different ways.

Visual Acuity Improves

By definition, visual acuity is the sharpness of one’s vision. A person with good visual acuity can discern letters or numbers at a given distance. Wearing ttdeye contact lenses improve a player’s vision by helping them see the tennis ball from far away. Not only that, players can adequately measure the distance a ball goes on the opponent’s court because they can also see the lines and markings.

The Player’s View Is Clear, And There Are No Blockages

Although some prefer using prescription goggles, having to wear something while playing can distract the player in different ways. Wearing glasses can cause blockages such as fog, dust accumulation, and water droplets. These distractions hinder the player from fully exhibiting their skills and talents on the court. On the other hand, contact lenses don’t give its users a hard time when playing because of the convenience and durability of the product.

There Is Better Depth Perception

The lens of glasses may sometimes change the way the user sees an item or object. This problem is due to the bending of light, and it gives the user the impression that an item is farther away than it is despite it being near. Tennis players can’t afford to have inaccurate measurements when playing, which is why contact lenses are the perfect companion if players want a fuss-free and accurate view.

Playing Under The Sun Causes No Problems

Thanks to numerous improvements, contact lenses now have extra protection from harmful UV rays. A common misconception is that UV rays only affect the skin, but in reality, it also affects the eyes and can cause irreversible damage when not addressed early.

But, also take note that it’s wrong to think that even if it’s snowing, no UV rays can affect your eyesight. Snow reflects 85% of UV rays, the same as water and sand. Contact lenses that offer extra UV ray protection are an essential product everywhere you go. Unfortunately, glasses allow small, scattered rays to enter the lens and can still harm the eyes.

There Is Better Peripheral Vision

Peripheral vision is what a person sees at the side while looking straight ahead. Doctors test this ability by asking the person to focus their vision on an object in front of them while eliciting movements on the side. If a person doesn’t note any action on the side, their peripheral vision is poor. When wearing glasses, it only covers a particular area, mostly the front. The peripheral vision of players with glasses is not that excellent. Contact lenses give the player a large, unobstructed view, making it easier to coordinate movements and return the ball.

Bright Lights Don’t Distract The Player

The majority of tennis games take place outdoors, and unfortunately, the sun’s rays make it hard for the player to execute moves because of the reflection. In worst cases, the sun’s rays directly hit the eyes. When a player wears contacts, there is no risk of the sun directly affecting the eyes unless the player looks up. Without glasses, the player can also wear a hat for added protection. Indoor games are not an advantage, too, because bright lights do the same.

Reminders For Tennis Players Who Want To Try Using Contact Lenses

Before you visit your healthcare provider and purchase contact lenses, there are more details you should know about regarding the features and their functions, as well.

1. Always Check The Moisture Level

Contact lenses need a certain amount of liquid to avoid giving the user red eyes or an uncomfortable experience. Different manufacturers have different moisture levels that can be affected by the environment of the tennis tournament. Inform your doctor about the sport you play as well as places you frequently have tournaments in so that they can give you lenses that match your playing environment.

2. Religiously Follow Schedules For Cleaning, Replacement, Etc.

When it comes to contact lenses, one size does not fit all. There are different types of lenses available, and the cleaning and disposal schedules also vary greatly. In general, tennis players should have disposable lenses because they’re more comfortable and more convenient to use. Reusable lenses are also okay, but over time, it may accumulate proteins and liquids that impair the player’s vision overall. Using disposables ensure that the player has 100% excellent vision in every tournament.

3. Take Your Time In Choosing The Right Contact Lenses

Treat lenses as you would any equipment. First, you should be very comfortable when using them. Second, the product has to make the overall gaming experience more bearable and more convenient. Tennis players that take their time in choosing contact lenses are also investing both their eyes and their games. Also, don’t hesitate to try your contact lenses and adjust according to your preference.

4. Inform Your Doctor On All Details Of Eye Concerns

Many players pay no mind in informing their doctors of additional problems because of the fear of embarrassment or lack of knowledge. Telling your doctor about the smallest details help them give lenses that are suitable for you and your situation.
