Via the  

In the suit, the woman does not claim Pierce did anything to her personally and was not apart of the harassment.

But, she was “employed by Paul Pierce as a bartender at “The Truth Hollywood” a bar, restaurant, and hookah lounge owned by him. She says she was put under the direct management by a man named Eric Mahoney.

She claims the environment constituted a hostile work environment and Pierce and the other owners “knew of the sexual harassment” and “failed to exercise reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct any future harassing behavior against (the woman.) Therefore, Defendant is responsible for Mahoney’s conduct.”

During the 2 weeks she worked at the bar, she was under the direct supervision of the manager who worked for Pierce.

She says during one of her shifts the manager asked her to come into his office and closed the door behind her.

In the documents, she claims he began to harass her saying she is “a very pretty young lady” and threatened her job security by saying, “if you hook up with me you can keep your job.”

She claims the manager continued to pursue her and in reference to a sexual proposition said, “and if you don’t” to which she responded, “And If I don’t, I’ll be fired?’

He responded, “the ball is in your court,” she says.

In the lawsuit, the woman says after denying the manager she was cut from shifts at the hookah bar, even though she had contacted another manager about being available to work.

She is suing for damages and lost wages, the amount is not listed in the lawsuit.

Sounds like a shakedown. 

Pierce owns the bar, but it sounds like he has little to do with the day to day. 

The perils of being a celebrity restaurant owner, always a liability. . .

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