“I was in the Mitchell Report, something I’ll never be proud of and something that was a mistake of mine a long time ago,” he said. “But I owned up to it. I didn’t lie. Owned up to it immediately, it was over with, and people can judge me the way they want to judge me. I could care less. But when you completely lie about it for years after years after years after years, you cash in 260 million and people are like, ‘Well, he’s successful,’ well, hell yeah, he’s successful. He got paid over 500 million in his career, I would hope he has some money where he could do whatever he wants with it. So now his relationship with JLo has taken him to a level that he’s a saint, give me a break!”

Lo Duca also took a jab at Jennifer Lopez, Rodriguez’s fiancĂ©e.

“And by the way, she did commercials for Fiat,” he said. “I’ll never forgive her for Fiat. ‘Cause if JLo ever sat that nice, little butt in a Fiat, I’m a 10-foot Indian.”

If you have beef with A-Rod, totally understandable, but why bring J-Lo into this?  

She’s a Goddamn saint.  

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