After weeks of silence following an arrest stemming from a human trafficking investigation, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft has finally released a statement.  In the statement, that was released on Saturday, explained his silence over the last four weeks.

Kraft also apologized to his family, friends, co-workers and fans and said he hopes to continue to use his platform to help others and make a difference.

“In deference to the judicial process, I have remained silent these past several weeks. To correct some of the misinformation surrounding this matter, my attorney made his first public comments on Friday night. I would like to use this opportunity to say something that I have wanted to say for four weeks.

“I am truly sorry. I know I have hurt and disappointed my family, my close friends, my co-workers, our fans and many others who rightfully hold me to a higher standard.

“Throughout my life, I have always tried to do the right thing. The last thing I would ever want to do is disrespect another human being. I have extraordinary respect for women; my morals and my soul were shaped by the most wonderful woman, the love of my life, who I was blessed to have as my partner for 50 years.

“As I move forward, I hope to continue to use the platform with which I have been blessed to help others and to try to make a difference. I expect to be judged not by my words, but by my actions. And through those actions, I hope to regain your confidence and respect.”

The real question from all of this isn’t what kind of punishment he faces from the law, it’s what kind of ridiculous punishment is Roger Goodell and the NFL coming up with?  We know there’s a ton of history between the NFL, the Commissioner and this franchise.  Whatever punishment is handed down for Kraft will keep the sports world buzzing well into the beginning of the season.

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