NFL owners approved an expansion of the league’s replay review system Tuesday, bowing to pressure from coaches and fans who were outraged by a missed pass interference call late in January’s NFC Championship Game.

For at least the 2019 season, pass interference, both offensive and defensive, will be reviewable.

“There was an owe-it-to-the-game responsibility,” Sean Payton said after owners approved the measure 31-1.

“And really I mean that. I think it’s important that this isn’t going to be perfect always. We know that. The mere shape of the ball tells you it’s not going to bounce the same way. But these are fouls that the analysts are able to tell us they’re the most impactful fouls. I think we got it right.”

Saints owner Gayle Benson agreed with Payton.

“I felt like it [the rule] needed to change. It could happen to anyone,” Benson said. “It could have happened to any of the other 31 teams. It happened to us. But I wanted the rule to change. It will be better for everybody because it will never happen again. … I’m very proud of Sean. He did a great job.”

Looks like Payton got his way, and can you blame him? 

The Saints got hosed

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