Last seen: Oct 2, 2024
I saw they (Ella and Lily) are glamping with her family. Do you think they would go on vacation with Julian??
He seems to be laying really low lately. Lily looks like she is having fun with Ella in Sweden though. Jules needs to pick up his game a little beca...
@Cali or @Brooklyn, either one of you know who mia mataccherio? There is a picture of Julian and her and she is hanging all over him. Not that he lo...
Jules must be back in LA lookin for some lovin. Liked Josie’s post today. LOL
@Cali, That place was nice except for the stairs. They were weird.
@cali guess I need to check it out!
@brooklyn and Sam. 😂🤣. But I do think all three of them are speaking at the conference or whatever.
Hi @Brooklyn and @Cassie!!! I’m curious to know who the lady is sitting at the back of the boat. Don’t recognize her.
@cali Croatia? Well that’s kinda cool. Seems like you and I are the only ones here now. Any other inside scoop you want to share?? I won’t tell an...
@cali seriously??? Now that there is funny. I have been curious what he’s been up to lately.
@cali I agree she did look gorgeous. Kinda surprised her Mom didn’t post anything. Well thanks for answering my question!
The picture Julian shared of Lily and Nicole was precious. He looked nice in his tux too. Have you heard any details @Cali?
@cali I just saw his stories about being at the Giants game. Do you know who the young men were?? Maybe cousins or something here for NE wedding??
@Cali, is this the weekend Julian’s Sister gets married?? I saw Dude was in Vegas so thinking he came back to Cali for the week and then attend the w...
@cali explains a lot then if baldy isn’t married. I hope Jules shaves the beard off too…..looks so much better with just scruff and I’m sure his sist...