“Riots and civil disorder are taking place along with the peaceful demonstrations,” she said.

“Some people are using the unstable situation to start looting shops and restaurants, smashing everything on their way. Many people come to New York from other states and ruin whatever they can. This is very dangerous and frightening. Unfortunately, this situation distracts people from what they are really fighting for.

“We live in Connecticut and there were just peaceful demonstrations here without violence. But in New York the situation is really terrifying,” she added.

In May, Panarin and Znarok announced their engagement, sharing a picture of a diamond ring on their social media pages.

Check out some of her pictures below: 


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Спасибо всем за тёплые слова ?♥️ Thank you ♥️

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Сколько раз за карантин вас посещала мысль изменить что-то в своём образе? ??

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Miami 2019 ♥️

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