Here are some cliff notes from the video:

-Met at Michigan State University

-Cookie was interested in another guy

-Cookie college roommate Adrienne actually had a crush on Magic

-Magic saw Cookie and her friend in the club and got cookie’s number

-Magic and Cookie started to date (her friend Adrienne was ok with the relationship) **Adrienne dodged a bullet**

-Dated for a while, but Magic wouldn’t make them official

-Magic got sick, Cookie came by his dorm to take care of him and saw another woman in a bathrobe in the room smh, Magic said it was just his friend

-Magic took another woman to a sorority ball and told Cookie it was just his friend

-Cookie made him chose who he wanted to be with, Magic chose the sorority girl

-Magic and the sorority girl moved to LA when he got drafted to the NBA

-Cookie was in Ohio working

-Magic kept hitting Cookie up while he was with the sorority girl

-Magic and the sorority girl broke up and Cookie ended up moving out to LA to be with Magic

-Shortly after cookie moved in, Magic revealed that he was the father of a 3 year old that was conceived when him and Cookie were allegedly on a break…the baby mama? Was his sister’s best friend smh

-Cookie accepted the situation and child

-Magic proposed to Cookie in Michigan and she accepted

-Cookie went back to LA to plan their wedding, she was corresponding with Magic over the phone about the church that they would get married in, Magic called her back and said he couldn’t do it smh

-They broke up, years go by and Cookie is dating a new man, Magic hit her up (btw magic also had a new girlfriend)…Magic got mad b/c cookie moved on

-After 4 years apart, they became a couple again. Cookie moved back to LA

-Magic proposed a 2nd time in Miami and cookie said yes

-Magic said he wanted to plan the wedding and wanted to do everything. He told Cookie just to pick out her dress and show up to the venue

-Then one day during planning Magic called Cookie up again and said he couldn’t do it and he wanted his ring back! smh Cookie refused to give back the ring, she told him they could end the planning but she was going to be his fiancee. Magic told the press that they were over, Cookie would still show up to the games and act like nothing had happened. Magic would ignore her but eventually took her back

-Magic and Cookie had a home built, Cookie was planning to move in the house once they were married. Magic was already living there and would throw big parties that had a no wives/gf rule. Only men and exotic dancers/groupies were allowed

-NBA wives would call Cookie pleading with her to have Magic stop these parties, Cookie would call him and Magic would hang up in her face

-1991 they finally got married in front of 275 guests

-Cookie finds out she’s pregnant

-Less than 2 months after getting married Cookie gets a call from Magic and he said he had to tell her something, reveals that he’s HIV positive

-Cookie refused to leave and didn’t care how he got the virus

-Rumors swirled that he got the virus from a man, a friend of Magic told the press that Magic was a major player and womanizer

-Magic said before he got married he truly lived the bachelor lifestyle

-June 1992 EJ was born, Cookie wanted more kids but they couldn’t because HIV medicine wasn’t advanced enough back then to protect her or future unborn kids

-They adopted a baby girl

-Magic ego kept getting bigger and bigger as his business empire expanded

-2001 Cookie and Magic quietly separated

-They got back together and in 2019 they celebrated their wedding anniversary
