“It would be no different than a conversation you would have with two of your (friends) on a weekend,” said Vrabel, Brady’s teammate for eight seasons in the early 2000s. “And listen, my relationship goes back to 2001 with Tom Brady and training camp at (Bryant College in) Rhode Island (and) Parente’s. We’d go practice, and a bunch of us would go to the bar at Parente’s after practice, and that’s where a lot of those friendships were made. And those friendships aren’t going to stop or not continue to grow and develop now that I’m a head coach and he’s a quarterback with an expiring contract. Those are going to continue on well after he’s done playing — with his family, with my family.

“And having the ability to meet Jules and all those players, there’s a special bond that goes on in the locker room, and that’s not going to stop, the same way that Larry Izzo or Tedy Bruschi or Willie McGinest or Wes Welker and Matt Cassel and I will have a relationship.”
