Iron Mike said he’d “kill himself” without a wife.

Lakiha Spicer is his third:

“Without my wife, I’m a savage animal…I look at women differently as I get older. When I was younger, I viewed them as pleasure. Now that I’m older, I look at them as the half. It makes me realize that I’m a man. And at this stage in my life, they’re my teachers. If a man doesn’t have a little bit of fear of his wife, he’s not living his life right. That’s why I got married three times, ’cause I can’t live without a wife. If I don’t have a wife, I’ll k*ll myself. That’s real talk. I need somebody to listen to. I’m a soldier. I can’t think on my own. I need somebody to do it…I know myself.”

He says that he believes his relationship history has influenced his children’s preferences:

“You know what bothers me, too, man? And I gotta say this. Why my kids don’t like Black kids? They don’t date Black kids. Why is that?…sometimes I look at my daughter, and I see she’s attracted to white guys, and I think, ‘I didn’t set a good example as a Black man,’ then…they must have seen sometimes when I was vulnerable and said, ‘Hey, I don’t wanna be with no one like that. He’s scary.’”
