Oklahoma State’s Mike Gundy went on an entertaining rant about Twitter after beating Texas on Saturday, complete with fart noises.
Mike Gundy has a message about Twitter criticism: pic.twitter.com/kOBzr9xaWM
— ESPN College Football (@ESPNCFB) October 28, 2018
Here is more from Gundy’s anti-Twitter rant, with some more fart noises.
“I don’t give a rat’s a$$ about Twitter (fart noise). It’s a platform for people sitting at home drawing an unemployment check sitting in front of a keyboard (fart noise).”
Gundy talking Twitter and how it’s what’s wrong with the country. ?? pic.twitter.com/yA453VyXK4
— Pistols Firing (@pistolsguys) October 28, 2018
Does this sound like the views of a guy with a mullet in 2018? Obviously we need Oklahoma State to be relevant, because we need more of Mike Gundy’s thoughts on things.