Russian curling star Anastasia Bryzgalova, who earned Olympic bronze at the 2018 Olympics along with her husband, Alexander Krushelnitsky, attracted a lot of attention during the mixed-doubles curling tournament in PyeongChang, with many fans comparing her to actresses Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox. 

She has recently taken up the role of Lara Croft in her latest photo session, reproducing some Tomb Raider images of Angelina Jolie, whom the curler is often compared.

Following the medal-winning performance at the Winter Games, Bryzgalova and her partner were stripped of the bronze medal after a prohibited substance was detected in Krushelnitsky’s doping test.  

While her husband has been sitting out due to a four-year ban, Bryzgalova swapped mixed-doubles for classic curling and joined the women’s national team, with whom she finished fourth at the 2018 European championships in Estonia.  

Hopefully we’ll see her at the next Olympics. 

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