In a video posted to Facebook, former Oakland Raiders and Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch criticized Oakland police for reportedly spraying tear gas as protesters gathered near his Beast Mode store in downtown Oakland on Monday night.

“At the end of the day, I understand, respect you’ve got a job, but I’ve got one question for 5-0,” Lynch said in the video post. “If that’s your momma, your wife, your daughter, your son, is you still shooting that s—?”

On Monday, roughly 15,000 protesters gathered at Oakland Technical High School, Lynch’s alma mater,  and marched downtown to protest the killing of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement last week.

RELATED: Marshawn Lynch Spends His Birthday Handing Out Free Masks in Oakland

As Oakland’s 8 p.m. curfew approached, a small percentage of the original group of protesters remained in the streets. Police reportedly sprayed tear gas and threw flash bangs into the crowd; after the curfew passed, 80 protesters were rounded up and arrested.

In the video, Lynch first praises the peaceful protest conducted from Oakland Tech, but later bemoans the behavior of police later in the night.

Flip the Page to see the Video:
