It appears LeBron and his attitude had a tough time adjusting to the Los Angeles Lakers. ESPN posted a  well-researched exposé that dove into the reasons why the Laker’s failed to leverage LeBron James arrival this season. 

One of them being LeBron’s temper. 

On an off day in Memphis following a 128-115 loss to an Anthony Davis-less Pelicans team on Feb. 23, the LeBron James-led Lakers had their own air-it-out session. Rondo organized the players-only meeting to find “a better understanding of one another,” a team source told ESPN.


“The meeting in Memphis was a retort of sorts. In what became an open forum, several players spoke up. Players focused on James’ inconsistent body language throughout the year,” denoted McMenamin in the bit about the front office’s midseason intervention. “The four-time MVP copped to the critique, telling his teammates that, in essence, cutting out behavior like slumped shoulders and sideways glances has been something he has tried to work on his entire career.”

As you can see, LeBron James’ teacher mentality has been weighing negatively on the group at large.

When LeBron doesn’t win, he plays the blame game. 

It’s everyone but him that contributes to losses. 

Sure when things are going good, it’s easy to call him the best player in the league, but true character grit and determination should be on display through the bad times, and LeBron just does not have that. 

Watch below to see Lowlights of LeBron: 

It’s all on film for everyone to see. LeBron will need to change his attitude if he ever expects to win a Championship with the Lakers.

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