Kylie Jenner has denied Alex Rodriguez’s statement that she talked about how rich she was at the Met Gala in May. 

The former Yankees player made the remark in an interview with Sports Illustrated published on Tuesday. 

Via SI:  

“We had a great table,” Rodriguez told the magazine, referring to who he was seated by at the ball. “The black guy from ‘The Wire’— Idris Elba, yeah, and his new wife.” 

“Some famous singer next to me, I don’t know what her name is,” he continued. “Versace — Donatella. We had Kylie and Kendall. And we had an Asian gentleman from ‘[Crazy] Rich Asians,’ the lead. Kylie was talking about Instagram and her lipstick, and how rich she is.” 

Jenner tweeted a flat out denial on Rodriguez’s account. 

“Umm no i didn’t,” the 21-year-old wrote, responding to a People tweet about the story. “We only spoke about Game of Thrones.”

A-Rod quickly caved, agreeing with her account of the evening. 

“OMG that’s right @KylieJenner. It was me talking about you and your makeup line and how much my girls love you,” he tweeted Tuesday night, adding the hashtags “GOT,” “respect” and “all love.” 

The last thing A-Rod needs is a celebrity feud. 

He’s way too smart to get into the crosshairs of the Kardashians.  

Check out more Kylie below:  

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