“So for me, I’m just being honest,” Garnett said. “The championship is the pinnacle. It was the top of my mountain top. It was the peak of everything that I worked hard for. ” … If you win a championship, it’s the culmination of it. Kind of circles back to all the countless moments you’ve been in here working on these moves and doing all this, and you question it sometimes, and it don’t always come out how you want it. But when you win it, everything you stand for, your DNA comes out in that moment. “‘Anything is possible’ was an organic moment for me. It came to me. I can honestly say that if I was to ever accomplish anything on that level, I would let it be organic and whatever came to me. I can’t even tell you, I don’t have nothing cocked and loaded to give you. It would just be very organic and it would be from the heart. I can definitely say that.”
Kevin Garnett Explains The Story Behind ‘Anything Is Possible’ Scream