Golden State Warriors star Kevin Durant isn’t on the court right now, but you just know somewhere he’s online dropping comments on Instagram.  

This isn’t the first time KD has made waves on IG during this series, as he’s already had a few run ins. 

Now we have another interaction on IG, but this appears to be a very different kind of interaction. 

Check out the screenshots below:  

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”353″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Now this could be nothing more than a friendship, but hard to say. 

Our source tells us the girl is his orthopedic massage therapist’s daughter. 

Definitely not KD’s type as far as who we’ve seen him connected to in the past

But you never know, different strokes for different folks. 

Check out more pics of the girl KD was dropping comments on below. 

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”354″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]

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