Kevin Durant pissed a lot of people off earlier this week during his appearance on Hot97’s Ebro in the Morning, as he shared an opinion about how the New York Knicks aren’t a cool right now.

When asked about his free agency decision, Durant told the hosts that he didn’t really consider signing with the Knicks.

“I thought about it yeah, but I didn’t do any deep analysis on the Knicks,” KD said.  “I think a lot of fans look at the Knicks as a brand and expect these younger players in their lifetime don’t remember the Knicks being good… I saw the Knicks in the finals but the kids growing up after me didn’t see that so that whole brand of the Knicks isn’t cool to them as say a Golden State Warriors or even the Lakers or the Nets now. The cool thing right now is not the Knicks.”

KD received plenty of messages from disgruntled Knicks fans following those comments, and he was more than happy to engage in the conversation

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Of course, Knicks players were also asked to weigh in on Durant’s remarks, including the team’s new star power forward Julius Randle.

Flip the Page to See what Randle Had to say: 
