The Josh Allen handshake is something you can’t duplicate. 

In what might be his ultimate coming-out party of a season, there seems to be nothing that the Buffalo Bills’ Josh Allen doesn’t excel at. Sure, he might be one of the two best players in the entire NFL, and he might even be the MVP frontrunner. He’s playing at an extremely high level.  

But Allen is more than an incredible quarterback who might bring Western New York its first Super Bowl ever.

Josh Allen is also someone who can  remember an elaborate handshake with seemingly every member of the starting Bills’ offense. Check out this clip from NFL films show you that Allen has a photographic memory when it comes to bonding with his teammates as their leader:

Watch below:

Honestly, so much happens there in almost 30 seconds; it’s hard to keep track. Allen’s handshake skill set ranges from a basic high to low movement to a pat down and formal greeting. If we just compare that to a regular non-professional athlete, it’s hard to remember what I ate for breakfast this morning. 

No wonder the Bills are playing at such a high level. Their superstar quarterback will truly, remember anything,  even hilarious bonding handshakes with his teammates. Hard not to be impressed  with Josh Allen handshake skills.  

Josh Allen handshake is something special.

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