Smith expanded on The Dan Patrick Show:

It wasn’t food poisoning. He made that up.

He wasn’t poisoned. That’s not what happened.

Michael Jordan, the most protected, nobody knows where he is, secure person – all of a sudden, five guys from the pizza place show?

He was ill. There’s no question. I think – I think – he had something that wasn’t as manly as maybe some other episodes.

I think because what they were doing was going up to Park City, in the mountains, in the ski area to stay. That’s where they stayed. So, they had to practice in Salt Lake City. They kept coming in and out, in and out. And I think it was altitude sickness. The symptoms that he had fit that much more than anything else that he had.

There was some sort of illness. There’s no question he was ill. I wouldn’t deny that. He definitely was. He was sick. But he wasn’t poisoned.

Smith is a journalist, not a doctor.

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