Nikola Jokic misplaced a valuable piece of hardware.

The Nuggets star left his NBA Finals MVP trophy in longtime equipment manager Sparky Gonzales’ room after winning the championship on Monday and didn’t know where it went.

“I really don’t know. I left (the Finals MVP trophy) in Sparky’s room, and it’s not there anymore,” Jokic told ESPN’s Malika Andrews in an appearance on NBA Today.

Luckily for Jokic, Gonzales has the trophy cleaned and detailed in time for Thursday’s championship parade, according to Andrews.

The 28-year-old averaged 30.2 points, 14 rebounds, 7.2 assists, and 1.4 blocks in 41 minutes per game to win the prize, helping the Nuggets beat the Miami Heat in five games for the franchise’s first NBA championship.

When asked if he’s reached his peak as a player, Jokic said that he can be much better but also spoke about the place basketball holds in his life.

“Basketball is not the main thing in my life. It’s something that I’m good at,” Jokic said.

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