Via The Athletic:

“It seems right now, everybody’s got a dynamic duo,” Wall explained. “Two stars … Now it’s back to two stars. It was three stars. We had two stars. We didn’t have a third one. But I’m not a guy that’s trying to chase it. I’d rather build my legacy here than to get a ring. I want a ring for the city, trust me. It’s great to have an NBA championship. I go back to Kentucky, I don’t have a national championship but my resume is bigger than anyone else that’s been there since I left. Know what I mean? Winning a ring is not everything. It’s great. It’s not everything.”

It’s a good thing that Wall believes winning a ring isn’t everything, because as long as he’s on the Wizards, he’s not going to win one. 

The Wizards and Wall are a match made in sometimes making the playoffs but never really competing heaven.

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