He is buying every time we go to dinner in Pittsburgh this season!!! https://t.co/nkatSGirum
— TJ Watt (@_TJWatt) March 17, 2020
I’ll keep that in mind when your times comes! @_TJWatt https://t.co/YG4IcuhXbY
— Derek Watt (@DerekWatt34) March 17, 2020
Well this is very unfortunate in regards to the race for “favorite uncle” for Derek’s son Logan…
Also seems to put me at a severe disadvantage in the “Mom & Dad’s favorite team” category.
But damn is it awesome for Derek & TJ. Could not be happier for them and for Pittsburgh. https://t.co/zbDOsj8IPz
— JJ Watt (@JJWatt) March 17, 2020
99 is open @JJWatt
— Brett Keisel (@bkeisel99) March 17, 2020
Does the beard come with it? 😂 https://t.co/wGFN14jEqw
— JJ Watt (@JJWatt) March 17, 2020
To complete the trifecta, the Steelers will offer the Franco Harris statue at the airport to the Texans for J.J. https://t.co/6Z4Mgd8yha
— ProFootballTalk (@ProFootballTalk) March 18, 2020
Three Watts on one team would be far too much Wattage.
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