I recently went to Miami to visit family and friends and also to go to Art Basel. While I was down there my cousin, a few friends of her and I went to a Miami Heat game. My cousin’s friend got tickets from a girl that she knew. We got good seats, before the game started we went to the bathroom and a there was a group in the bathroom standing in front of the mirrors fixing their makeup, I gave one of the girls a compliment and then we started talking. My cousin’s friend and I asked her what’s her name & where’s she was from( because she had an accent) & then I asked her if she was a basketball fan, etc. She said her name is [name removed], she’s from Barcelona, Spain, she told us she was 20 or 21( I forgot her age) and she was there to see her man play. I said to her who is your man? She whispered to us and said Jimmy Butler. At first I didn’t believe her but she told us how she met him over the summer at a restaurant and he asked her if she can meet up with him the next day for breakfast. Long story short, she told us that she was here with a couple friends, Jimmy flew her and her friends to Miami, he got her a nice hotel room to stay at while her and her friends were there. I was confused when she told us she was staying at a hotel instead of place then we find out from one of her friends that Jimmy doesnt want her staying at his house because he moved his baby’s mother in and she gets jealous of him being around “certain looking women”. I got the impression that Jimmy’s probably in a relationship with his baby’s mother and he is cheating on her with this girl. 
