Via Hartford Courant:

“I was stunned and saddened to read the inflated and misleading headlines and the accusations directed at me this past Wednesday, and again in an editorial in Friday’s Hartford Courant, by an ex-USJ employee and an all-too-eager click-driven media,” Calhoun said Saturday in a released statement.  

“I am angry and hurt that the reputation that I’ve worked so hard to achieve for over 50 years — actually, for more than 77 years — was so easily dismissed and thrown aside in return for headlines or eyeballs or whatever the appropriate term is here. And I’m especially angry that my career and my name are being used for legal grandstanding instead of in support for the victims of discrimination.”

Calhoun won three national championships as UConn men’s basketball coach before he retired in 2012 after a 26-year tenure with the Huskies.

He decided to come out of retirement in 2018 to serve as Saint Joseph’s first-ever head coach of the men’s basketball team.

He’s probably regretting that decision now. . .

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