Via The Athletic:

A lot of people think that he’s going to go back to the Patriots and it would certainly fit but I think they have to pay him. If I’m a team like the Raiders or the Chargers and I need to fill up my stadium and my fanbase, I am absolutely, without a doubt, going to go and say, “Mr. Brady, here’s the offense. You tell us what the offense is. You help devise it and Mr. Brady, here’s our checkbook. You fill it out”. I know it’s going to be hard for Jon Gruden to do that but he’s the greatest quarterback in the history of the NFL, the most marketable guy there is. He’s a gamechanger for a franchise. Season tickets. Marketing. I would open up my checkbook for him if I was a team like the Chargers or the Raiders, who are moving to Las Vegas, and especially if I want him to teach a young quarterback how to be a quarterback. I think it’s a no-brainer — you pay the man.

 Lots of talk about Tom leaving, but until he does, he’s still the Patriots QB for next season.  

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