Asked Isiah to rank the five best players he ever played against based on his own experience. His answer:
1. Kareem
2. Bird
3. Magic
4. Jordan ?
5. Dr. J— Bill Reiter (@sportsreiter) April 27, 2020
“When you put Jordan and his basketball team in the ’80s, they weren’t a very successful team,” Thomas told CBS Sports. “They just weren’t. When you talk about Jordan and his team dominating, they dominated the ’90s. But when you put him with those Lakers teams and those Pistons teams and those Celtics teams, they all beat him. They just did. … What separated Jordan from all of us was he was the first one to three-peat. But he didn’t three-peat against Magic, Larry and Dr. J.”
This is probably why Isiah was left off the Dream Team, because he can’t tell the truth.
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